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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.12.09 05:56. Заголовок: Маленькая ложь во спасение /Little White Lies/

Все что могу

The Story:
David (Martin Wenner), Beth's husband, leaves for a work and is tragically killed in a car accident. (In all truthfulness? He's driving like a jerk and he's tired which doesn't help matters.) When Beth (Tara Fitzgerald) is informed by police, she refuses to believe that it's David because he had his passport and a ferry ticket to France. She stays in the yard working and finally Peter (Gerard Butler) is called in. He's a friend. He calls Julia (Cheri Lunghi), Beth's friend and neighbor, to come and stay with Beth until Helen (Janie Dee), his girlfriend, can get there. A visibly distraught Julia agrees.
Next we see Julia and Beth discussing David, but there are no tears - nothing. No one appears distraught. Beth says that it hurts and that she has the urge to run away. We get the impression that all was not well between this young woman and her husband. Julia has gone through the death of one of her children and she appears to understand the shock. Beth asks if she'll go with her to identify David's body. Julia's daughter Rosie is there and suddenly become ill. Julia gets angry at the doctors and scurries away with Rosie just as Helen arrives. Based on her robes - she works for a solicitor. Helen and Beth have a heart to heart and Beth of course has figured out or thinks she has figured out that David was running away from her. He was silent - hated confrontation and she says that he was under a lot of stress at work. She was too busy with her own job to talk to him. He had his suitcase in the car but she didn't know that. She breaks down and begins to finally cry. She blames herself and says that the whole thing wouldn't have happened if he hadn't been trying to get away from her, and she must have been hateful from him to want to do that. Helen offers her cottage and says that Beth can come stay with her for a while. Beth refuses stating that she needs to keep working.
In a discussion with her boss, Oliver (Peter Bowles), it is revealed to Helen that a witness to the accident saw David driving his car straight at the lorry. Shocked, they know they can't reveal this to Beth yet. The accident now looks like a suicide. Oliver refutes this and says that it will be straightened out at the inquest. Helen can't find David's file and Oliver tells her that he simply took it home. Hm. Something is rotten in Denmark. We next discover that Oliver is Julia's husband. He's home and is discussing the accident with his wife. He's gotten Rosie to bed with a story and she feels better although Julia thinks that they should switch doctors. He informs Julia that David was apparently going to France. One way. Julia doesn't think that Beth knew because no mention of it was made. Beth told Julia that he was going to work. Oliver asks some hard questions and it would appear that despite it being obvious that David and Beth weren't getting along, Julia knew nothing about David leaving. She's not surprised however.
Beth works in her greenhouse and thinks she sees her husband outside which sends her running in an awful rainstorm only to collide with his upright and bloody corpse. Mercifully it's all a really bad dream. Beth goes to the hospital to identify David's body but thankfully he was already ID'd at the scene by his doctor so they have put the body in the chapel to make things easier. Julia asks if she may go with Beth and the doctor balks but Beth insists. They go in and Julia breaks down and weeps - Beth does not. Her husband's body has been cleaned up but still looks torn up from the accident. Beth wants to know where his clothes are and his glasses. She is told that the undertaker will see to those things for the funeral. Julia attempt to console Beth and Beth snaps at her wanting to know what on earth she was crying for. Beth says that it should be her crying. Julia says that may be she should - it might help. Beth apologizes.
Resigned to the fact that David is in fact dead, Beth goes through a box of his things - returned to her by the police department. In the box she find several mementos along with his broken and bloody glasses. She also finds a tape and the ferry ticket along with a cryptic note that reads "I'll still follow you." and she recalls see David pick something up off of the ground the morning he left. Originally in tears, she is now perplexed
Back at Oliver and Julia's - dad has just gotten his daughter to bed. Rosie asks for a white kitten - one just like Ossy, Beth's cat. Oliver says that he'll see and kisses her goodnight. He leaves and tells Julia that Rosie is asleep and Julia insists on checking anyway - Oliver grabs her and tells her to leave the child alone and let her sleep. They discuss Rosie and Oliver is apparently not allowed to see the child all that much - whenever he comes home for work, even if he comes home early, the child is in bed. Julia is terrified for the child's health and Oliver dismisses it saying that all children are sick every now and then but Julia it would seem, makes a federal case out of every little cough and sneeze. Rosie isn't allowed to play with other children or even with the cat. Becky, the child that died, comes up and it would seem that Julia blames herself for Becky's death.
Peter and Helen discuss Beth and Peter is worried stating that she's behaving strangely. Helen tells him to stay close to her and keep and eye - that's all he can do really. She tells him that she'll be there if he needs her although he hasn't seemed to lately. Uh-oh. More trouble in River City.
In the meantime, somebody is poking about Beth's with a flashlight, obviously looking for something. Initially we are led to believe that could be Peter. A noise wakes Beth and naturally she goes looking for it's source. Whoever is snooping in the house, finds what they want - the tiny tape that was in the box of David's effects returned to Beth. Beth goes in her kitchen and turns the lights on and discovers that a rook (a crow) has gotten in the house and satisfied that that is the source of the noise - she frees it.
Beth is next seen at Oliver's going over the accounts for the house. The equity is low and a 2nd mortgage has been taken out for a conservatory/workshop for Beth. She knew nothing about it. A builders estimate had to be presented to the mortgage company and there is one - from Peter. Unfortunately, there is no check from the mortgage company despite one being issued for 35,000 pounds. That plus a fund that was left to David has been cashed in. Beth is at a loss and reasons that David wanted the money because he was leaving her. Oliver promises to look into it and tells her that she owns the house outright - the endowment/insurance has seen to that. Suspicious that Oliver knew what her husband wanted the money for Beth asks if he was having an affair and Oliver seems reluctant to answer. Angry, she stalks off but not before Helen suspects something.
Peter is next on Beth's butt-chewing list. She confronts him about the conservatory and he tells her that David wanted it to be a surprise. She fusses, he responds and she yells and he finally screams at her. He doesn't have the money - and he offers to show her his bank statements. She says that she hates liars - David lied to her and at that Peter tells her to just go. Apparently he doesn't like being called a liar. Hm. You get the feeling here that he is telling the truth here and is REALLY pissed off at the entire situation. As is Beth. He goes to Beth's later and they both apologize to each other. She was angry with Oliver and now feels like her husband has become a complete stranger. Oddly, Julia is lurking about outside the house and she sees them together. What the heck is she up to? Peter talks to Beth about the possibility that David was having and affair and says that there is no proof, but he advises her to get another lawyer anyway. It's 55,000 pounds - a lot of money. She finally listens to some advice.
Another bad dream, but one which leads Beth to a possible mistress for her husband. Julia. She looks and sees that Julia is in tears again and remembers her emotions when all this happened. She confronts Julia at David's funeral and then runs from the church. Peter goes after her but is stopped by Helen. Julia goes to the house after the funeral to talk to her friend but instead she is physically attacked and told to get out. Julia wants to explain but nothing she says makes any sense really. Julia claims that she went to David to try and get a hold of some money so that she could leave her husband. Beth thinks that David forged her signature for money for Julia but Julia has no clue what she's talking about. She claims that David lost his money investing it with Oliver and she was simply going to sell her jewelry. Beth asks her if Oliver knew and Julia says that he probably suspected and he was dangling that over David's head. She tells Beth that she loved David and reminds her that she didn't even cry when he was killed, then she gets a bit nasty and the subject of sex enters the picture.
After Julia leaves Beth lies down and wakens to look for her cat. She can't find him. She searches and something leads her to an old lavatory. Checking the toilet she discovers it needs to be flushed and does so - prompting a mess. It has backed up and flooded the room. She goes fishing with a coat hanger and pulls out an enormous plastic bag. Yuck. Something else catches her attention and upon digging further she discovers her cat. He has been drowned and stuffed in the drain. Hysterical, she collapses but manages to collect herself enough to bury the cat the next day. As she's working, she runs into Rosie who has come to play with the cat. Surprised that Julia isn't around, Beth collects the child and takes her indoors. She attempts to call Julia only to have the woman burst in and snatch Rosie who vehemently wants to stay with Beth. It would appears that Julia has been drinking and she's nasty. She tells Beth to get a child of her own but then reminds her that she apparently can't have any.
After Julia leaves Beth lies down and wakens to look for her cat. She can't find him. She searches and something leads her to an old lavatory. Checking the toilet she discovers it needs to be flushed and does so - prompting a mess. It has backed up and flooded the room. She goes fishing with a coat hanger and
Finally overcome with emotion, a teary-eyed Beth goes to see Peter and tells him that her cat has been killed. It simply doesn't make sense and Peter suggests that she go to the police but she doesn't know what to report. He draws her in for a hug and the next thing you know they're kissing and she's trying to get to that chest. He draws away from her and tells her that he needs a bath - he's been doing manual labor - but she apparently likes a sweaty man and they wind up necking again. It plainly obvious by the next scene what has just happened. They're both in the hayloft pulling clothes back on. He kisses her gently but she swears that what just happened must never happen again. She apparently used to dream about making love to him when she was married but now that she's free everything has changed. He reminds her that he's just dating Helen, they don't even see each other that much and admits that he's had a bit of a crush for a while too. She is adamant about it ending right now and heartbroken, he doesn't understand why. He's finally with the woman he's been dreaming about and she obviously has very strong feelings for him as well. What's the problem? He tells her that they're not doing anything wrong - she says that they are. This scene is there for one reason and one reason only. (Yeah, yeah yeah - it's a necking scene slash Gerry shirtless scene. Meh. Yeah. And he really just looks like a positive little spunk rat.) It's done to contrast what she thinks Julia has done to her. She doesn't want to do that to Helen. So she ends it. Although she doesn't realize that Peter and Helen haven't been all that close lately anyway. Personally? I'd have stuck with Peter. He tolerates being beat on and shouted at and he manages to give good legal advice without doing the same.
Helen visits and frankly, I don't know how Beth could look her in the eyes. She's just gone for a tumble in the hay (literally) with her boyfriend. Beth reveals that she's thinking about moving. Selling the house and starting over someplace else. Peter is also in the room and is having a VERY difficult time looking at her. He tells that she's under a lot of stress but she insists that there is nothing to hold her there. She feels like she doesn't belong. Peter just looks just like the cat that ate the canary and of course Helen notices.
Something is up. Helen over hears a discussion at work between Oliver and another solicitor regarding Beth and then Julia bursts in and another fight ensues. Helen goes to see Beth and asks her is she meant what she said about moving. It is apparent that she is trying to figure out what on earth is going on. She talks about her boss and his wife and the child but the discussion finally settles on Peter. She asks Beth if she loves him. She never gets an answer but is reassured when Beth tells her that she thinks Peter only loves her a little bit and that they slept together a long time ago. Relieved that Peter isn't the reason that Beth is leaving, Helen returns to work.
Beth's phone rings and after several attempts Julia finally speaks. It's clear that she's drunk again and we see Rosie with her. She attempts an apology to Beth but claims that things are terrible for her and her daughter. Concerned about Rosie, Beth goes to their house and enters it, discovering a mess. She finally finds them both in a running car, shut up in the garage, and she breaks in, smashing the car window with a spade. It would seem that Julia was trying to kill herself and take the little girl with her. Rosie is hospitalized. Why Julia is not locked up instantly is beyond me - but there it is. It would seem that Oliver was threatening to have her committed and was going to take the child away - or that's the story that Julia gives Bethh anyway. Beth says that she can understand Julia wanting to take her life, but not Rosie's. Beth leaves and she spots Oliver entering the hospital. It's clear that he's been drinking as well, so she has no clue who to believe.
The next day, Beth receives a record of David's personal accounts and confronts Oliver. Apparently he's been lying to her and she's found out. Oliver finally comes clean and admits that David owed him some money from an investment scheme they'd set up that had failed. He knows nothing about the second mortgage or why David would have forged Beth's signature. He finally explodes telling Beth that he's been through the ringer too. His wife has tried to kill his daughter. And you've done nothing because............?
An inquest into the situation with Rosie get Oliver what he wants. Julia could be facing attempted murder charges but as it stands she will just undergo another psych evaluation. She is ordered to leave the marital home and not to have any contact with her daughter for 7 days until a full report can be made. Rosie is placed in the custody of her father, who promptly takes her to the country - away from her mother.
Peter and Beth having a discussion and Beth says that she lied to Helen about sleeping with him. She felt terrible and never wants to lie to anyone again. In the middle of this, her phone rings and Peter tells her not to answer it. She does anyway, despite his protests, and finds a hysterical Julia at the other end. Oliver has of course taken Rosie from the hospital and because she can't go near the house - she has no clue where they are. She ask Beth if she'll check. Angry, Peter wants to know why Beth is letting herself be dragged into all this. Simple. Rosie. She is just a child and her parents are a mess. Peter tells her that the hospital and the police and court can't all be wrong - Beth tells him to get out of her way and pushes when he doesn't.
She winds up with Julia in her van, driving to a hotel looking for Rosie. Julia is certain that this is where intoShe winds up with Julia in her van, driving to a hotel looking for Rosie. Julia is certain that this is where Oliver has taken the child. They go and ask for Oliver and are promptly shown the door. Julia goes, but doesn't believe the concierge and instead she tells Beth to drive around back. Beth argues but does anyway and they go in the back and lo and behold who do they find but Oliver and Rosie. A merry fight ensures, Rosie is finally sent with a nanny and Oliver reveals that the doctors found a tranquilizer in Rosie's bloodstream - which is why they couldn't wake her up. The tranquilizer was prescribed for Julia after Becky's death. Julia says that he's lying and claims that Rosie is just ill all the time. Oliver asks why. Julia blames him and he tells her that she needs help. The concierge enters the room and apologizes to Oliver and Julia sneaks out, grabbing a knife as she exits. Oliver goes outside away from the other guests to talk to Beth. It seems that Oliver has been to see a specialist who thinks that Julia suffers from more than depression. She might have Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome - a very serious disorder which results in child abuse because the parent deliberately makes it's child sick for attention and the satisfaction of being able to fool doctors - i.e. - those more powerful. Beth has a hard time swallowing all of this but Oliver says that people that suffer from this are very clever and make such a show of loving their children that it sometimes goes undetected. Julia, who has been standing in the woods the entire time and has heard every word, run at him and hits him in the head with a very large rock and he drops. Dead. Stunned - Beth stands there. Completely unmovved by what she has just done, Julia blows her nose and hides the body - ordering Beth to help. They roll him into a ditch and cover him with leaves. a ditch and cover him with leaves.
Julia runs away and Beth makes a scramble for her van but Julia is too fast. She brings Rosie and figures out that Beth was leaving without her. Beth tells her that she has to go to police and Julia tells her to shut up and get them out of there. Based on the following conversation, it becomes clear to Beth that she has a crazy woman in her van so she drives and stays calm. Poor Rosie sits in the middle staring at her mother. It's clear that there is another problem. Perhaps David wasn't having an affair with Julia - it's clear maybe she's a little obsessed. She orders Beth to stop the van and pulls the knife on her and tells her to get out. Beth dutifully does and goes and calls - guess who? Peter. Who promptly comes and picks her up. He wants her to go to the police but Beth is afraid that if Julia sees the police she'll just hurt Rosie.
It's very clear now that Rosie is afraid of her mother and wants to be with Beth. Julia takes the little girl to the attic to "show her the birds" and Rosie attempts to run away only to be hauled back to the attic window by Julia. Peter and Beth arrive and see Julia standing on a tiny balcony and Beth states that this is the same place that Becky fell from. Something is not quite right here and Peter tells Beth to keep her talking while he goes inside. It's clear that Julia has definitely lost touch with reality because she asks Beth how David is. She tells Beth that she is just going to show Rosie the birds and then they're going to go on holiday. Peter quietly closes in up the attic stairs and quickly succeeds in snatching Rosie from her mother. Julia fights back but against something 6'2"? Not bloody likely. She makes a few attempts to claw at him only to land on the floor. He doesn't push very hard - he doesn't have to. Completely disconnected from the real world now, she climbs onto the ledge and reaches for the birds and throws herself 3 stories to the ground.
Hopefully someone is caring for poor little Rosie. Gawd. Beth plays the tape that was originally with David's things that Julia apparently took. Oliver returned it. Apparently the affair was all in Julia's mind and David was simply providing her with the means to leave Oliver. He doesn't love her, never loved her - he loved Beth. His wife. He was going to France to get away from Julia - apparently that's how obsessed she had become. We see the house slowly empty. Beth is obviously leaving. She passes Peter and Helen who look but don't say anything. When next we see Rosie she is with her grandmother playing with a white cat. The cat scratches her because it's being handled roughly and when the grandmother calls her for tea? She is drowning it.

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Ученый секЛетарь

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.12.09 06:24. Заголовок: Оооо! Наташ, спасибо..

Оооо! Наташ, спасибо большое, эту прелесть надо видеть!

Your obedient servant Спасибо: 0 
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Гроссмейстер ложи

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.12.09 07:06. Заголовок: наталья Спасибо тебе..

наталья Спасибо тебе! Посмотрела, но жалко, что нет русских субтитров(( Тебе бы в шапке краткое содержание описать, как у Lady в темах.
Джерик - залюбуешься. Но, заметно, что еще начинающий актер. В некоторых сценах не знает, куда руки-ноги девать)) А глазами всю неопытность компенсирует

"Культура человека определяется его отношением к женщине" (М.Горький) Спасибо: 0 
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Гроссмейстер ложи

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.12.09 10:04. Заголовок: мдя, пилить то не ум..

мдя, пилить то не умеет, хоть один недостаток нашла))))) Наташ, спасиб тебе БОЛЬШОЙ!!!!

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Гроссмейстер ложи

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.12.09 11:57. Заголовок: наталья спасибо огр..

спасибо огромное!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.12.09 13:36. Заголовок: ой, как здорово смот..

ой, как здорово смотреть когда они целуются, ммм, да еще на сеновале, романтИк, с Джерькой

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Гроссмейстер ложи

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.12.09 14:42. Заголовок: Спасибо Наталья за т..

Спасибо Наталья за труды. А этот фильм где-нибудь полностью можно посмотреть?

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Гроссмейстер ложи

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.12.09 15:32. Заголовок: рита в том-то и дел..

в том-то и дело что его не найти днём с огнём, так что спасибо Наталье вдвойне

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.01.11 23:09. Заголовок: жалко, что его нигде..

жалко, что его нигде нет мне только и его не хватает. чтобы сказать, что все фильмы с участием Джерри у меня есть

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.01.11 08:43. Заголовок: Сцена на сеновале вд..

Сцена на сеновале вдохновляет... А вообще Джеррик был офигенно красив - здесь он без особого грима, но не хуже, чем в " Дракуле-2000"

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И обновишь лицо земли…

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.04.12 10:46. Заголовок: Скрины из этого филь..

Скрины из этого фильма.

Ангелы зовут это небесной отрадой, черти - адской мукой, а люди - любовью.
Генрих Гейне
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Гроссмейстер ложи

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.04.12 12:11. Заголовок: Боже ,даже в простой..

Боже ,даже в простой потасканной одежде Джер смотрится очень сексуальным .А как болезнено и нежно целует. Да рядом с ним все его партнерши просто блекнут.

Нельзя стать счастливым, если пыжишься стать счастливым. Вот когда перестаешь пыжиться, то действительно находишь счастье.
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Multi multa sciunt, nemo omnia

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.04.12 12:42. Заголовок: Эх, не бередите рану..

Эх, не бередите рану, девушки...
Мужчина прекрасен в возрасте 30-38 лет, раньше - прыщ зеленый, старше (за редким исключением) - самоуверенное недоразумение.
А Джер здесь так хорош, хоть кричи. Аааааааа!!!!

Мы ограничены пределами во всем:
Неподражаемым исполненный сарказмом
С безумием извечно спорит разум,
А явь враждует с братом смерти – сном.
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И обновишь лицо земли…

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.04.12 13:37. Заголовок: Magia пишет: А как ..

Magia пишет:

А как болезнено и нежно целует.

Да уж, целоваться Джерри умеет суперически и феерически!!!
Тали пишет:

Мужчина прекрасен в возрасте 30-38 лет, раньше - прыщ зеленый, старше (за редким исключением) - самоуверенное недоразумение.

Гениальная характеристика!
Но Джер уникальный мужчина - трогательно хорош в возрасте до 30, сногсшибательно обольстителен с 30 до 38, а став старше стал просто умопомрачительным!!!!
Но на этих фотках он невероятно сияет глазами и светится как солнце!!!

Ангелы зовут это небесной отрадой, черти - адской мукой, а люди - любовью.
Генрих Гейне
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Гроссмейстер ложи

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.04.12 05:24. Заголовок: Да разбередили душу..

Да разбередили душу ,так и хочеться как кошке хвост задрать.

Нельзя стать счастливым, если пыжишься стать счастливым. Вот когда перестаешь пыжиться, то действительно находишь счастье.
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аватары да, автозамена ссылок вкл, премодерация откл, правка нет

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